Welcome to Shana Davis Photography
Who am I?
Well, defining who you are never really ends... does it? :)
I grew up loving art, dance, music, piano, writing, movies and photography. Basically anything “right brained”. The world around me inspires me- color, texture, forms and of course the connection between people; but the first thing I notice before anything else is the light. LIGHT is what creates all forms and color. Color is dependent on light and using light in photography is what makes an image SPECIAL. Just look at any painting by Monet or Vermeer, my favorite artists. The light becomes the subject if you really look at what is in front of you. When I was a freshman in college the one thing that our art professors told us was "if you can actually SEE the LIGHT by the time you graduate you have reached your goal; to REALLY SEE what and who is in front of you". An artist has to train their eye to see things differently and create something through their own vision. Its through this process that I become a part of something more than just my world but yours too.
For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we will see light. Psalm 36:9
One of my childhood inspirations was my grandmother. She loved to take pictures. She wasn't a professional, just used it as a hobby. All my life she had a camera at any visit or event. Before she would let us leave she would make us stand for a picture and would say “This is just to remember the day.” Those words have shaped me as a person, my business and my life.
Every day is a gift. We are ALL blessed to have special people in our lives and a day that we will always want to remember.
This is truly what I want to accomplish through my work, and help YOU “remember the day”. XO Shana
I am a Certified Professional Photographer CPP, Master Photographer MPPA, Artist, and Graphic Designer that has been in the arts for over 25 years. I graduated from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma with a BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art, Graphic Design and Photography. After graduating, I moved to Tulsa and became a graphic designer and photographer. I later moved into an Art Director position and after 9 years created my own business. I have been awarded top honors at local and international competition and a member of Professional Photographers of Oklahoma (PPOK) and Professional Photographers of America (PPA). Continuing education and staying on top of the newest and best photographic technology is very important to me. This is an ever changing industry and I strongly believe in being involved in local, state and national guilds. It is through these I improve my techniques and skills as a photographer and business owner and have made some of the dearest friendships of my life. I have studied under some of the best photographers in the nation and attend numerous conventions, seminars, and schools throughout the year.
The CPP Mission Statement: “To acknowledge and validate a consistent standard by which professional photographers can achieve and maintain a recognizable mark of excellence.”
What does “Certified” mean? Less than 8% of all imaging professionals have successfully completed and maintained the requirements for Certification. A true professional photographer is not only a skilled artisan but also a business person like any other professional you may know. It assures you of this photographer's professional knowledge and experience, while also declaring that photographer as one who has achieved and maintains a higher standard.
Certification requires passing a comprehensive written exam measuring technical expertise, and successfully submitting a body of work to a panel of judges for review and approval. Certification credentials must be renewed through continuing education and submitting work for critical evaluation.